Development of a Bus Stop Design Guideline: Case Study on the Main Campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)


  • Mohamad Omar bin Bidin Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Mohd Alif Ikrami bin Mutti Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Hafeezur Rahmaan bin Mohd Yassin Rahmaan bin Mohd Yassin Universiti Sains Malaysia


Non-conducive bus stop designs can cause various problems to passengers, bus drivers and other vehicles on the road. A preliminary survey has revealed that specific guidelines have yet to be established as a reference for bus stop designs – to cater for consumer needs – especially in Malaysian university campuses. This study was conducted to initiate the set up of a guideline for a bus stop design in a university campus that meets users’ needs; such as to provide ease of access, adequate comfort and safety. This study was conducted via qualitative methods by using a case study approach in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). A total of 24 respondents from different groups were interviewed, while five bus stops were selected as sample studies. The findings show that there are currently various design problems which concerned a number of aspects; such accessibility, comfort, and safety. By referencing various design guidelines, as well as principles explained in the Universal Design Guidelines, a bus stop design proposal for use in university campuses was developed. The proposed guideline provides a general overview of the 13-component physical criteria of the bus stop which should be adhered to, in order to meet the needs of various users in the USM campus. This guideline may serve as a critical reference to designers, architects or developers in building better, user- oriented bus stops in the future.


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