Design of Visual Communication Media as Learning Hadith Since Early Age


  • Nadhilla Sabrina Telkom University
  • Syarip Hidayat Telkom University


Hadith is a knowledge about what Rasulullah SAW speaks, behave and determination. Rasulullah SAW is a perfect role model for all moslem and a main character builder. The important things to learn about hadith for preserve it are to build the islamic character especially for children as Rasulullah SAW did. Children is the next ruler in the future, good or bad the children's behaviour will impact to the future. The condition of Indonesia is really worrying now. Many people ignore the character building for the children. which known as akhlaq in Islam. Approximately 87% of Indonesian civilization are muslim but not all of them really care about it and applied it as Rasulullah did. So, it needed a media education which can gain the children's interest to learn about hadith with parent's help. The qualitative methods is used in this research with observation, interview and literature study. The media education for the children to learn hadith is illustration book. This book will presented with suitable design for children in preschool to make the study pro cess is fun and gain the children's interest.


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