Analysis of Product Design Development Process (Study Case Designer Dispatch Service Program from Ministry Of Trade Republic of Indonesia)


  • Fajar Sadika Product Design Study Program, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia


Since 2010 Indonesia government has made strategic plans related to the development of creative industries in Indonesia through several ministries, specialized agencies, and official in the province. The strategic plan generates programs and one of them is the Designer Dispatch Services (DDS) program from the Directorate of Export Product Development of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. DDS is a program with a fund of 2.5 billion per year to develop products through collaboration between designers and business owners (IKM) aims to produce creative and innovative export products. Product development is generally intended to represent market opportunities into a finished product, the process of product development can sequence through generic development process. Product development process also involves interdisciplinary study, namely; marketing, design, manufacturing, finance and legal working together in a team. This research was conducted in order to analyze the method used in the DDS program, to know the process of design and product development and then analyzed through comparison with product development literature.





