Designing Participatory Based Online Media for Product Design Creative Community in Indonesia
| Bandung Creative Movement (BCM)
Designing Participatory Based Online Media for Product Design Creative Community in Indonesia
Yanuar Herlambang
Product Design Program, School of Creative Industries Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
Creativity becomes the main issue in the field of art and design, especially in this case product design as the process of searching alternative solutions as much as possible to various problems. It takes triggers of creative work to help understand, enrich the process of daily creative thinking and its influencing factors so that it is expected to form a strong creative-practice mindset as an implementation of problem-solving. Online media became one of the potential to be a forum to share creative experiences with wider coverage, the current container or media online communications for the creative community, especially product designers in Indonesia based participatory to actively collaborate, especially on the theme of creative practice felt still less, most of the media online communication with the theme of creativity using only one-way communication or as a showcase only, does not involve the active participation of participants, especially in the process of work. With these considerations, it is necessary to develop an online media as a place of activity within the community to share creative thoughts by developing the potential of participatory culture as a solution to basic or daily issues, so as to enrich the creativity experience that can later be developed for the search for other solutions to the different problems that exist in the environment, because creativity is the development of the results of creativity of people who work before so that gave birth to something that has novelty benefits.