Perancangan Sistem Halal Modul Manufacturing Berbasis Enterprise Resource Planning Menggunakan Odoo Pada Industri Kosmetik Dengan Metode Asap (studi Kasus: Cv. Skin Solution Beauty Care Indonesia)
Abstrak Permintaan produk kosmetik halal di Indonesia semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertumbuhnya masyarakat Muslim. Di dalam Rencana Induk Pembangunan Industri Nasional (RIPIN), tahun 2015-2035, industri kosmetik menjadi industri andalan. Dengan banyaknya permintaan produk kosmetik halal, tercatat di Kementerian Perindustrian, industri kosmetik nasional naik 7,36% pada triwulan I tahun 2018. Kosmetik halal diestimasikan akan menempati 11% dari total pasar halal global. Untuk mendukung penerapan industri halal perlu penerapan halal supply chain management (HSCM) yang didukung dengan sistem informasi halal yang terintegrasi. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan perancangan sistem informasi halal manufacturing berbasis Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) yang dapat mendukung halal supply chain management. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Accelerated SAP (ASAP) yang merupakan metode untuk implementasi software ERP, tujuan metode ini untuk mempercepat implementasi karena memiliki roadmaps yang terdefinisi jelas dan efisien. Sistem ERP dapat mengintegrasikan informasi dan prosesproses antar bagian dalam suatu perusahaan, masing-masing sub sistem terintegrasi dengan sebuah database terpusat. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu adanya perancangan sistem informasi halal manufacturing yang disesuaikan dengan proses bisnis industri kosmetik di Indonesia dan Sistem Jaminan Halal untuk membantu industri-industri kosmetik dalam meningkatkan kinerja produksi agar tersistem, terintegrasi, menghasilkan pelaporan sesuai standar halal LPPOM MUI dan mendukung penerapan industri halal di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Accelerate SAP (ASAP), ERP, Kosmetik, Manufacturing, Halal Supply Chain Management (HSCM) Abstract Demand for halal cosmetic products in Indonesia is increasing along with the growth of the Muslim community. In the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN), in 2015-2035, the cosmetics industry became a mainstay industry. With the requested amount of halal cosmetic products, it was requested at the Ministry of Industry, the national cosmetic industry rose 7.36% in the first quarter of 2018. Halal cosmetics will be estimated at 11% of the total global halal market. To support the implementation of the halal industry, halal supply chain management (HSCM) needs to be implemented which is supported by an integrated halal information system. Therefore, it is necessary to design halal information systems based on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that can support halal supply chain management. This study uses the Accelerated SAP (ASAP) method, which is a method for implementing ERP software, the destination method for implementation that has a clear and efficient defined roadmap. ERP systems can integrate information and processes between parts of the company, each integrated sub-system with a centralized database. The results of this study are that there is a design of a halal manufacturing information system designed with the cosmetics industry process in Indonesia and Halal Assurance System to help cosmetic industries improve production performance so that it is integrated, produces according to LPPOM MUI's halal standards and supports the use of halal industries in Indonesia. Keywords: Accelerate SAP (ASAP), ERP, Cosmetics, Manufacturing, Halal Supply Chain Management (HSCM)Downloads
Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi