Pengukuran Efisiensi Penerapan Engineering Data Management System Pada Perusahaan Research Manufacture (studi Kasus: Perusahaan Xyz)


  • Muhammad Nur Telkom University
  • Luciana Andrawina Telkom University


Abstract— In the Global Era, Management Information System has become inseparable part of the company. One of the Management Information System that has been considered important in a company is Engineering Data Management System (EDMS). The role of Engineering Data Management System is to store data as well as providing a user friendly access to the data, as long as the product lifecycle appropriates with the control rules defined before. This study took a case in XYZ Company on designing Engineering Data Management System using Windchill PLM (Product Life Management) to optimize the business process. XYZ Company is a private company that works in research engineering and manufacture. This study brought out new concept using Engineering Data Management System and explains the role of EDMS in XYZ Company’s business process. Keywords— Engineering data management system, Windchill, Product Life Management






Program Studi S2 Teknik Industri