Perancangan Key Performance Indicator (kpi) Pada Divisi Konstruksi Pt. Xyz Menggunakan Performance Prism


  • Aulia Adina Telkom University
  • Devi Pratami Telkom University
  • Litasari Widyastuti Suwarsono Telkom University


Abstrak PT. XYZ merupakan suatu perusahaan di bidang telekomunikasi. Divisi konstruksi merupakan unit yang bertanggung jawab atas proyek, mulai dari initiation hingga closing. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan wawancara dengan pihak perusahaan, penulis menemukan permasalahan yaitu divisi konstruksi masih mengalami beberapa kendala dalam menjalankan proyek. Kendala tersebut yaitu terdapat beberapa lokasi proyek yang di drop atau tidak jadi dikerjakan. Pada bulan Juni, proyek yang di drop hampir setara dengan proyek yang di uji terima. Proyek di drop dikarenakan divisi konstruksi tidak mendapatkan ijin dari beberapa pihak stakeholder. Dengan adanya kendala tersebut, stakeholder menjadi hal yang sangat penting karena impact yang di timbulkan sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberlangsungan proyek. Namun sangat disayangkan, stakeholder tidak dipertimbangkan dalam KPI divisi konstruksi. Dari permasalahan yang ada, maka dibutuhkan suatu model pengukuran kinerja yang dapat mengintegrasikan pada kebutuhan dan keinginan dari para stakeholder, yaitu menggunakan performance prism. Adapun sepuluh PI paling penting yang terpilih sebagai KPI divisi konstruksi yaitu pelaksanaan evaluasi (4,41%), pengawasan proyek oleh holding company (4,41%), persentase pengimplementasian project management (2,89%), persentase proyek selesai tepat waktu (2,84%), optimasi alokasi anggaran (2,79%), persentase pengontrolan proyek oleh pimpinan (2,64%), pengawasan proyek oleh customer (2,59%), tingkat kesesuaian produk (2,59%), perawatan sarana dan fasilitas (2,53%), dan tingkat keahlian supervisor (2,51%). Kata kunci: Pengukuran Kinerja, Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Performance Prism, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Abstract PT. XYZ is a company in the telecommunications sector. The construction division is the unit in charge of projects, from initiation to closing. Based on the results of observations and interviews with the company, the authors found a problem, that the construction division is still experiencing several obstacles in running the project. There are several project locations that have been dropped. In June, the projects that were dropped were almost equivalent to those that were tested for acceptance. The project was dropped because the construction division did not get permission from several stakeholders. With these constraints, stakeholders are very important because the impact really affects the sustainability of the project. Unfortunately, stakeholders are not considered in the KPI’s construction division. From the existing problems, we need a performance measurement model that can integrate the needs and desires of stakeholders, namely using performance prism. The ten most important PIs were selected as KPIs for the construction division, namely the implementation of evaluation (4.41%), project supervision by the holding company (4.41%), the percentage of project management implementation (2.89%), the percentage of projects completed on time ( 2.84%), optimization of budget allocation (2.79%), the percentage of project control by the leadership (2.64%), project supervision by the customer (2.59%), the level of product conformity (2.59%), maintenance facilities and facilities (2.53%), and the level of supervisory expertise (2.51%). Keywords: Performance Measurement, Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Performance Prism, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri