Rancangan Jumlah Kebutuhan Pegawai Logistik Di Pt. Xyz Berdasarkan Pengukuran Beban Kerja Menggunakan Metode Work Sampling Dan Nasa-tlx
Abstrak – PT. XYZ adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan obat dan alat kesehatan atau disebut Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF). Selama sembilan bulan pertama tahun 2018, bagian divisi logistik tidak berhasil memenuhi target pesanan obat dan alat kesehatan yang sesuai jadwal secara tepat yang sebabkan karena beban kerja pegawai divisi logistik yang terlalu berat yang disebabkan karena kurangnya jumlah pegawai petugas gudang, sehingga menyebabkan kelalaian dan kelelahan para pegawai. Analisis beban kerja dan kebutuhan pegawai diperlukan untuk memastikan pendistribusian obat berjalan dengan baik. Analisis kebutuhan pegawai dilakukan dengan metode work sampling dan NASA-TLX. Hasil dari analisis beban kerja menunjukkan bahwa urutan beban kerja paling ringan ke yang paling berat melalui metode work sampling adalah Administrasi Gudang (64.85% - underload) – Kepala Seksi Logistik (71.00% - underload) – Petugas Gudang (78.86% - overload) – Kepala Gudang (78.96% - overload). Sedangkan dengan metode NASA-TLX adalah Administrasi Logistik (58.33 – tinggi) – Kepala Seksi Logistik (61.67 – tinggi) – Kepala Gudang (68.33 – tinggi) – Petugas Gudang (75.00 – tinggi). Berdasarkan beban kerja yang diukur, perusahaan membutuhkan enam orang pegawai untuk divisi logistik. Jumlah tersebut lebih satu pegawai dari kondisi eksisting perusahaan yang memiliki lima orang pegawai. Kata kunci: beban kerja, work sampling, NASA-TLX, kebutuhan pegawai Abstract - PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the trade of drugs and medical devices. During the first nine months of 2018, the logistics division did not succeed in meeting the targets for the order of drugs and medical devices that were on the right schedule due to the heavy workload of the logistics division staff due to the lack of staff in the warehouse, causing negligence and fatigue of the employees. Analysis of workload and employee needs is needed to ensure the distribution of drugs is going well. Analysis of employee requirements was carried out by the work sampling method and NASA-TLX. The results of the workload analysis indicate that the order of the lightest workload to the most severe through the work sampling method is Warehouse Administration (64.85% - underload) - Head of Logistics Section (71.00% - underload) - Warehouse Officer (78.86% - overload) - Head Warehouse (78.96% - overload). Whereas the NASA-TLX method is Logistics Administration (58.33 - high) - Logistics Section Head (61.67 - high) - Warehouse Head (68.33 - high) - Warehouse Officer (75.00 - high). Based on the measured workload, the company requires six employees for the logistics division. The number is more than one employee from the existing condition of the company that has five employees. Keywords: workload, work sampling, NASA-TLX, manpower needDownloads
Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri