Perancangan Enterprise Architecture Pada Fungsi Teknologi Informasi Bank Bpd Bali Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Togaf Adm


  • Devalia Mesha Telkom University
  • Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari Telkom University
  • Rokhman Fauzi Telkom University


Abstrak Bank BPD Bali merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Bali yang bergerak di bidang perbankan dan merupakan bank umum yang kepemilikan sahamnya sebagian besar dipegang oleh pemerintah provinsi Bali. Bank BPD Bali memiliki visi untuk menjadi bank yang kuat, berdaya saing tinggi, dan terkemuka dalam melayani UMKM serta berkontribusi bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian daerah. Berdasarkan visi tersebut, fungsi teknologi informasi berperan penting dalam mencapai visi Bank BPD Bali. Tujuan fungsi teknologi informasi Bank BPD Bali yaitu menyediakan dukungan teknologi informasi yang handal, efektif, dan efisien bagi kegiatan operasional bank dalam mencapai visi dan misi serta strategi Bank BPD Bali. Untuk dapat tercapainya tujuan fungsi teknologi informasi, diperlukan sistem informasi untuk menciptakan lingkungan teknologi informasi yang terintegrasi dan bersinergi. Penggunaan TI pada Bank BPD Bali masih kurang sesuai antara bisnis unit dengan TI sehingga terjadi investasi TI yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis. Maka diperlukan perancangan enterprise architecture (EA). Enterprise architecture dipilih karena dapat mengendalikan kompleksitas perusahaan, proses serta sistemnya. Selain itu, EA dipilih karena strategi TI bukan hanya tentang teknologi tetapi juga menciptakan lingkungan terintegrasi yang memanfaatkan keterampilan manusia, proses bisnis, struktur organisasi, dan teknologi untuk mengubah posisi kompetitif bisnis. Untuk membuat perancangan enterprise architecture pada fungsi teknologi informasi, penelitian ini menggunakan TOGAF ADM sebagai framework, yaitu pada Preliminary Phase, Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, Technology Architecture, Opportunities and Solution, dan Migration Planning. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu memberikan gambaran berupa blueprint dan IT roadmap untuk perencanaan investasi TI agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis. Kata kunci : Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Bank, Teknologi Informasi. Abstract Bank BPD Bali is a Regional Government-Owned Enterprise (BUMD) that is engaged in banking and is a public bank whose majority ownership is held by the provincial government of Bali. Bank BPD Bali has the vision to become a strong, highly competitive and leading bank in serving UMKM and contribute to regional economic growth. Based on this vision, the function of information technology plays an important role in achieving the vision of Bank BPD Bali. The purpose of the information technology function of Bank BPD Bali is to provide information technology support that is reliable, effective, and efficient for bank operations in achieving the vision and mission and strategy of Bank BPD Bali. In order to achieve the objectives of the information technology function, an information system is needed to create an integrated and synergic information technology environment. The use of IT at Bank BPD Bali still lacks synergy between business units and IT so the IT investments that are not in accordance with business needs. Therefore, it is necessary to design an enterprise architecture (EA). Enterprise architecture was chosen because it can control the complexity of the company, its processes, and systems. In addition, EA was chosen because IT strategies are not only about technology but also create an integrated environment that utilizes human skills, business processes, organizational structures, and technology to change the competitive position of business. To create an enterprise architecture design in information technology functions, this research uses TOGAF ADM as a framework in Preliminary Phase, Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Architecture Information Systems, Technology Architecture, Opportunities and Solutions, and Migration Planning. The results of this study are to provide an overview of the blueprint and IT roadmap for planning IT investments to fit business needs. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Bank, Information Technology






Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi