Perancangan Enterprise Architecture Untuk Sistem Terintegrasi Pada Bidang Ecotourism Dan Agroforestry Perum Perhutani Menggunakan Metode Togaf Adm


  • Ega Silvana Almunadia Telkom University
  • Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari telkom univeristy
  • Iqbal Santosa Telkom University


Abstrak Perum Perhutani merupakan Badan Usaha Miliki Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dibidang pengelola hutan. Untuk melakukan pengembangan TI, Perum Perhutani memiliki acuan yaitu Peraturan Menteri BUMN Nomor : PER-03/MBU/02/2018 tentang Panduan Penyusunan Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi. Namun, saat ini pengembangan TI dirasa kurang optimal karena pengembangan TI belum selaras dengan strategi bisnis perusahaan. Terdapat beberapa kebutuhan data seperti belum adanya pembagian hak akses setiap pengguna dan belum adanya sistem data center. Setiap aplikasi yang telah dikembangkan tidak dapat berinteraksi dengan aplikasi lainnya sehingga penyebaran informasi belum dapat dilakukan secara real time. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, Perum Perhutani membutuhkan perancangan Enterprise Architecture (EA) untuk pengembangan sistem terintegrasi Perum Perhutani sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang terjadi. Perancangan EA pada penelitian ini berfokus pada 2 bisnis utama Perum Perhutani yaitu bagian wisata dan agroforestry. Perancangan EA menggunakan framework The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) dan metode TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) dengan 7 fase pengembangan yaitu Preliminary phase, architecture vision, business architecture, information systems architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, dan migration planning. Hasil akhir dari perancangan EA ini berupa blueprint dan IT Roadmap yang dapat digunakan sebagai panduan perancangan TI perusahaan. IT Roadmap yang akan dibuat mencakup timeline implementasi sistem terintegrasi meliputi pembuatan aplikasi website agroforestry dan wisata serta pengembangan CRM dan POTP selama 5 tahun. Kata Kunci : Perancangan Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF, TOGAF ADM, Ecotourism, Agroforestry, IT Roadmap, blueprint. Abstract Perum Perhutani is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) engaged in forest management. To IT development, Perum Perhutani has a reference to the BUMN Regulation Number: PER-03 / MBU / 02/2018 regarding the Information Technology Management Compilation Guide. However, currently IT development is considered to be less than optimal because IT development has not been aligned with the company's business strategy. There are several data needs such as there is no division of access rights for each user and do not have a data center system. Every application that has been developed cannot interact with other applications so that it can be done yet can be done in real time. Based on these requirements, Perum Perhutani requires the design of the Enterprise Architecture (EA) for the development of the integrated system of Perum Perhutani as a solution to the complexity that occurs. The design of EA in this study in the two main businesses of Perum Perhutani is part of tourism and agroforestry. The design of EA uses the framework of the Open Group Architecture (TOGAF) and the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) method with 7 phases of development, namely the Early phase, architectural vision, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, and migration planning. The final results of the design of EA consist of a blueprint and IT Roadmap that can be used as a guideline for designing IT companies. The IT Roadmap that will be created includes the timeline for integrated system implementation including the creation website for agroforestry and ecotourism applications and the development of CRM and POTP for 5 years. Key Word : Enterperise Architecture Design. TOGAF, TOGAF ADM, Ecotourism, Agroforestry, IT Roadmap, blueprint.






Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi