Usulan Perbaikan Sistem Customer Relationship Management (crm) Cv. Bearpath Berdasarkan Pertimbangan Iso 9001:2015 Klausul 8.2.1 Dengan Metode Business Process Improvement


  • Tulusiani Widjanarko Telkom University
  • Sri Widaningrum Telkom University
  • Meldi Rendra Telkom University


Abstrak CV. Bearpath adalah salah satu produsen sandal gunung travelling handmade yang berdomisili di Bandung. Agar dapat bersaing di pasar, CV. Bearpath harus selalu memperhatikan kualitasnya dari segi produk dan juga layanan. Pada saat ini CV. Bearpath sudah menerapkan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) sebagai upaya menjaga loyalitas pelanggan. Sosial media digunakan sebagai penunjang CRM yang termasuk ke dalam Customer Interface Management yang mengacu pada pengelolaan pertukaran informasi. Meskipun sistem CRM sudah terlaksana, namun belum semua terlaksana dengan baik sesuai dengan konseptualnya. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan pertimbangan persyaratan ISO 9001:2015 klausul 8.2.1 komunikasi pelanggan dan konsep CRM untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis Gap yang baik dan lengkap. Metode yang digunakan yaitu business process improvement dengan menggunakan langkah apply techniques improvement. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rancangan untuk merealisasikan produk custom dan juga beberapa perbaikan seperti pembuatan database dan penambahan opsi pada website. Kata kunci: CRM, ISO 9001:2015 klausul 8.2.1, customer interface management, business process improvement, apply techniques improvement, produk custom _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract CV. Bearpath is one of the manufacturers of traveling handmade sandals that are domiciled in Bandung. In order to compete in the market, CV. Bearpath must always pay attention to its quality in terms of products and services. For now, CV. Bearpath has implemented Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as an effort to maintain customer loyalty. Social media is used as a support for CRM which is included in Customer Interface Management which refers to the management of information exchange. Even though the CRM system has been implemented, not all have been implemented properly according to the conceptual. In this study, consideration was taken of the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 clause 8.2.1 customer communication and CRM concepts to obtain good and complete Gap analysis results. The method used is business process improvement using the techniques improvement apply step. The results of this study are designed to realize custom products and some improvements such as database creation and adding options on the website. Keywords: CRM, ISO 9001:2015 clause 8.2.1, customer interface management, business process improvement, apply techniques improvement, custom products






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri