Perancangan Enterprise Architecture Menggunakan Framework Togaf Adm Pada Divisi Human Resource Unit Pengembangan Di Pt Albasia Nusa Karya


  • Gusti Ananda Respati Telkom University
  • Rd Rohmat Saedudin Telkom University
  • Anwar Sadat Telkom University


Abstrak PT Albasia Nusa Karya merupakan perusahaan manufaktur pemotongan kayu yang berdiri sejak tahun 2015 di Kota Garut Provinsi Jawa Barat. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa barecore. Barecore adalah potongan kayu albasia/sengon yang dipotong potong menjadi strip strip (korpis) dengan ukuran yang sama dan direkatkan satu sama lain dengan lem sehingga membentuk lembaran seperti playwood/triplek. PT Albasia Nusa Karya saat ini belum mempunyai pendukung proses bisnis berupa penerapan teknologi informasi khususnya pada fungsi human resource unit pengembangan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut , PT Albasia Nusa Karya membutuhkan perancangan enterprise architecture yang dapat membantu memberikan solusi terhadap proses bisnis dan teknologi perusahaan mencapai visi dan misi. Perancangan enterprise architecture menggunakan framework TOGAF ADM yang terdiri dari fase preliminary phase, architecture vision, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture. Kata kunci: Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Human Resource Abstract PT Albasia Nusa Karya is a wood cutting manufacturing company that was founded in 2015 in the City of Garut, West Java Province. The resulting product is in the form of barecore. Barecore is a piece of albasia / sengon wood that is cut into strips of the same size and glued together with glue to form sheets such as playwood / plywood. PT Albasia Nusa Karya currently does not have a business process support in the form of the application of information technology, especially in the development of the human resource unit. To overcome these problems, PT Albasia Nusa Karya needs to design an enterprise architecture that can help provide solutions to business processes and technology to achieve the company's vision and mission. The design of enterprise architecture uses the TOGAF ADM framework which consists of the preliminary phase, vision architecture, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Human Resource






Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi