Analisis Nilai Performansi Mesin Splitting Dengan Metode Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Dan Safety Analysis (rams) Di Pt.garut Makmur Perkasa


  • Anselvi Mega Lestari Telkomuniversity
  • Fransiskus Tatas Dwi Atmaji Telkomuniversity
  • Judi Alhilman Telkomuniversity


Mesin Splitting pada PT.GMP merupakan salah satu mesin utama yang digunakan untuk melakukan pembelahan kulit sesuai dengan standar ketebalan yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Tingginya frekuensi downtime mesin menyebabkan turunnya performa mesin yang akan mempengaruhi target produksi. Untuk itu diperlukan langkah yang tepat untuk mengurangi permasalahan tersebut dengan menganalisis nilai reliability, availability, maintainability dan safety (RAMS) pada perusahaan. Data yang digunakan adalah data waktu kerusakan mesin Splitting bulan Januari 2017 – Desember 2019. Pada perhitungan risk matrix didapatkan subsistem kritis yaitu pisau, meja, dan bearing roll. Hasil pengolahan data RAMS dengan menggunakan pemodelan RBD didapatkan nilai reliability sistem pada t= 264 sebesar 80% berdasarkan standar IVARA. Nilai inherent availability sebesar 99.51% dan operational availability sebesar 99.73%. Nilai maintainability sistem mencapai angka 100% pada t = 16 jam. Pada evaluasi indikator leading dan indikator lagging sudah mencapai target diatas 95% sesuai dengan standar IVARA World Class Maintenance Key Performance Indicator. Hasil perhitungan safety berdasarkan nilai PFD dan RRF untuk setiap subsistem pada saat interval waktu 8 jam dan 40 jam, subsistem bearing roll memiliki tingkat SIL terbesar yaitu SIL 2, subsistem pisau dan meja memiliki tingkat SIL 2 pada waktu 8 jam dan memiliki SIL 1 pada waktu 40 jam. Perhitungan ini berdasarkan standar IEC 61508.

Kata Kunci : Splitting, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety, Reliability Block Diagram, Maintenance Key Performance Indikator, SIL, IEC 61508.
Splitting machine at PT.GMP is one of the main machines used to do skin cleavage in accordance with the thickness standards set by the company. The high frequency of engine downtime causes a decrease in engine performance which will affect production targets. For this reason, appropriate steps are needed to reduce these problems by analyzing the value of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) in the company. The data used is Splitting machine damage data for January 2017 - December 2019. In the calculation of the risk matrix, critical subsystems are obtained, namely knives, tables and bearing roll. The results of RAMS data processing using RBD modeling obtained value of system reliability at t = 264 of 80% best on IVARA world class standard. The inherent availability value is 99.51% and operational availability is 99.73%. The system maintainability value reaches 100% at t = 16 hours. In the evaluation of leading indicators and lagging indicators have reached targets above 95% in accordance with IVARA World Class Maintenance Key Performance Indicator standards. The safety calculation results are based on the PFD and RRF values for each subsystem at intervals of 8 hours and 40 hours, the bearing roll subsystem has the largest SIL level, namely SIL 2, the knife and table subsystem has a SIL 2 level at 8 hours and has SIL 1 at the time 40 hours. This calculation is based on the IEC 61508 standard.
Keywords: Splitting, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety, Reliability Block Diagram, Maintenance Key Performance Indicators, SIL, IEC 61508.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri