Analisis Dan Perancangan Proses Manajemen Kontrol Internal Ti Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Cobit 2019 Di Pt Inti (persero)


  • Bakiatus Sarifah Telkom University
  • Rokhman Fauzi Telkom University
  • Iqbal Santosa Telkom University


Abstrak PT INTI (Persero) merupakan salah satu perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi, elektronika dan smart energy. Untuk memastikan kualitas kontrol internal dari pemanfaatan teknologi informasi atau TI terkelola dengan baik pada perusahaan, maka pemanfaatan TI tersebut perlu dikembangkan secara terukur dan terarah pada BUMN sesuai dengan peraturan BUMN PER-02/MBU/2013 pada poin Kebijakan Operasional yaitu Monitor & Evaluasi Pengendalian Internal. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan kendala bahwa pada PT INTI (Persero) belum terdapat manajemen kontrol internal TI. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan analisis dan perancangan manajemen kontrol internal TI menggunakan COBIT 2019 pada PT INTI (Persero) ini untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan proses manajemen kontrol internal TI yang ada dan menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk permasalahan manajemen kontrol internal TI tersebut. Selain itu, dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan nilai tingkat kapabilitas dari setiap komponen proses MEA02 beserta kesenjangan yang muncul. Tingkat kapabilitas komponen proses Monitor internal controls, Review effectiveness of business process controls, dan Identify and report control deficiencies bernilai 2 dan tingkat kapabilitas komponen proses Perform control self-assessments bernilai 0 serta untuk menutup kesenjangan yang muncul tersebut dilakukan perumusan rekomendasi pada aspek people dan process. Kata Kunci : Kontrol Internal, People, Process, MEA02, COBIT 2019 Abstract PT INTI (Persero) is one of state owned company that is engaged in telecommunications, electronics and smart energy. To ensure the quality of internal control of the utilization of information technology or IT managed well in the company, then the utilization of it needs to be developed measurable and directed to the state-owned enterprises in accordance with the regulation of state owned-02/MBU/2013 in operational policy points that Monitor & Internal control evaluation. From the results of the research found that the problem of PT INTI (Persero) has not been the management of internal IT control. Therefore, it needs to be done analysis and designing of IT internal control management using COBIT 2019 in PT INTI (Persero) to figure out the implementation of the existing IT internal control management process and create recommendations to the internal IT control management problems. In addition, from the results of the research obtained the capability level value of each component of the MEA02 process and the gaps that arise. Capability level of Process component Monitor internal controls, Review effectiveness of business process controls, and Identify and report control deficiencies 2 and the level of component capability the Perform control self-assessments process is 0 and to close the gaps that arise is done formulation of recommendations on the aspects of people and process. Keywords: Internal Control, People, Process, MEA02, COBIT 2019






Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi