Usulan Interval Waktu Perawatan Pada Mesin Toshiba Bmc-100 (5) E Menggunakan Metode Risk Based Maintenance (rbm) Dengan Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (fahp) Di Pt Dirgantara Indonesia


  • Kikin Nur Ulya Iindrawati Telkomuniversity
  • Fransiskus Tatas Dwi Atmaji Telkomuniversity
  • Aji Pamoso Telkomuniversity


Abstrak PT Dirgantara Indonesia merupakan industri pesawat terbang yang pertama di Indonesai dan Asia Tenggara yang telah memproduksi berbagai jenis pesawat, seperti CN235 untuk transportasi sipil atau militer, pesawat Surveillance Maritim, Pesawat Patroli Maritim, dan pesawat Penjaga Pantai. Dalam memproduksi part pesawat terdapat dua kelompok mesin yaitu Machining dan Metal Forming. Berdasarkan data historis kerusakan yang telah didapatkan, bahwa mesin TOSHIBA BMC-100 (5) E merupakan mesin yang memiliki tingkat kerusakan yang tinggi. Mesin Toshiba merupakan salah satu key facility pada bagian machining centre. Terdapat sembilan subsistem mesin Toshiba, diantaranya yaitu Electrical & Control, Axis, Spindle, APC (Automatic pallet Change), ATC (Automatic Tools Change), Hydroulic Unit, Lube & Coolant, Cooling System dan Filter & Fan. Pemilihan subsistem yang paling kritis dari sembilan subsistem tersebut dengan menggunakan Fuzzy AHP. Berdasarkan perhitungan Fuzzy AHP yang terpilih adalah spindle, sehingga subsistem spindle yang paling kritis dan dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Risk Based Maintenance untuk mengetahui nilai risiko yang ditanggung perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan menggunakan metode Risk Based Maintenance didapatkan nilai risiko sebesar Rp 216.900.293 atau dengan presentase risiko sebesar 8,98%. Presentase risiko tersebut melebihi batas toleransi yang telah ditentukan, maka dilakukan usulan interval waktu perawatan yang dilakukan setiap 3400 jam dengan biaya perawatan sebesar Rp 89.013.252 dan nilai risiko sebesar Rp 210.512.971.

Kata Kunci: Fuzzy AHP, Risk Based Maintenance (RBM), Interval Waktu Perawatan

Abstrack PT Dirgantara Indonesia was the first aircraft industry in Indonesia and southeast Asia to produce various types of aircraft, such as CN235 for civilian or military transport, maritime Surveillance aircraft, maritime patrol aircraft, and Coast Guard aircraft. In producing the aircraft part there are two groups of machines that are Machining and Metal Forming. Based on the historical data damage that has been obtained, that the engine TOSHIBA BMC-100 (5) E is a machine that has a high degree of damage. Toshiba Machine is one of the key facility in the machining center. There are nine engine subsystems Toshiba, among which are Electrical & Control, Axis, Spindle, APC (Automatic pallet Change), ATC (Automatic Tools Change), Hydroulic Unit, Lube & Coolant, Cooling System and Filter & Fan. Selection of the most critical subsystem of the nine subsystems using the Fuzzy AHP. Based on the Fuzzy AHP calculations selected is spindle, so the spindle subsystem is the most critical and further research done. The method used is Risk Based Maintenance to determine the value of the risk borne by the company. Based on the results of calculations that have been done using the Risk Based Maintenance method obtained a risk value of Rp 216,900,293 or with a risk percentage of 8.98%. The risk percentage exceeds the tolerances that have been determined, then the proposed interval time maintenance performed every 3400 hours with a maintenance fee of Rp 89,013,252 and a risk value of Rp 210,512,971.

Key Words : Fuzzy AHP, Risk Based Maintenance (RBM), Time Interval Maintenance






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri