Perancangan Alat Ukur Dan Cara Pengukuran Kompetensi Lulusan Mahasiswa Pada Lab Riset Enterprise System And Solution Universitas Telkom Menggunakan Metode Seci


  • Damario Haznam Telkom University
  • Amelia Kurniawati Telkom University
  • Rayinda Pramuditya Telkom University


Abstrak Universitas Telkom menyediakan sarana lab riset untuk seluruh peminatan yang ada pada Fakultas Rekayasa Industri yang akan diambil pada tahun terakhir perkuliahan. Salah satu lab riset dari Fakultas Rekayasa Industri, yaitu lab riset Enterprise System and Solution (ESS). Kompetensi lulusan, serta alat ukur dan cara pengukurannya dapat menjadi dasar bagi lab riset ESS untuk melakukan peningkatan sumber daya manusia dari mahasiswa lab riset tersebut agar mahasiswa memiliki kompetensi yang sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan, meningkatkan angka persentase kepuasan industri terhadap mahasiswa lulusan lab riset ESS, dan tentunya bagi industri akan lebih memiliki daya saing menghadapi persaingan yang ketat saat ini. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dirancang alat ukur dan cara pengukuran kompetensi lulusan mahasiswa lab riset ESS. Metode SECI merupakan kependekan dari Socialization, Externalization, Combination, dan Internalization. Metode ini adalah salah satu jenis knowledge conversion yang digunakan untuk mengelola pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh tacit knowledge expert mengenai kompetensi lulusan mahasiswa lab riset ESS. Pada tahap Socialization dilakukan identifikasi tacit knowledge alat ukur dan cara pengukuran kompetensi lulusan mahasiswa. Tahap Externalization dilakukan proses pendokumentasian tacit menjadi explicit knowledge. Tahap Combination dilakukan proses kombinasi alat ukur dan cara pengukuran kompetensi dari knowledge yang diberikan setiap narasumber. Tahap Internalization dilakukan pemberitahuan hasil penggabungan alat ukur dan cara pengukuran kompetensi lulusan mahasiswa. Setelah menggunakan metode SECI, didapatkan pengetahuan tentang hasil kompetensi lulusan terpilih. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah best practice alat ukur dan cara pengukuran kompetensi lulusan dengan sembilan kompetensi lulusan mahasiswa lab riset ESS Program Studi Sistem Informasi dan tujuh kompetensi lulusan mahasiswa lab riset ESS Program Studi Teknik Industri. Pada penelitian ini dibuat rekomendasi, yaitu merancang kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi mahasiswa lab riset ESS. Kata kunci: Alat Ukur, Cara Pengukuran, Knowledge Conversion, Kompetensi Lulusan, Metode SECI. Abstract Telkom University provides research lab facilities for all specializations in the Industrial Engineering Faculty to be taken in the last year of study. One of the research labs from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, namely Enterprise Systems and Solution (ESS) research lab. The competence of graduates, as well as measuring tools and methods of measurement can be the basis for the ESS research lab to increase the human resources of the research lab students so that students have competencies that are in accordance with what is expected, increase the percentage of industry satisfaction with students who graduate from the ESS research lab and of course the industry will be more competitive in facing the current intense competition. Therefore, this research will design measurment tools and measurement methods competence of ESS research lab students' graduates. SECI method is short for Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization. This method is one type of knowledge conversion that is used to manage the knowledge possessed by tacit knowledge experts regarding the competencies of graduates of ESS research lab students. In the Socialization stage, identification of tacit knowledge, measuring tools and measurement methods of student graduate’s competence is carried out. The Externalization stage is carried out by documenting tacit into explicit knowledge. The Combination stage is a combination of measuring tools and measurement methods of competence knowledge provided by each respondent. The Internalization stage is a process of informing the results of combining measuring tools and measurement methods of student graduate’s competence. After using the SECI method, knowledge is obtained about the competency results of selected graduates. The results of this study are best practice measurement tools and measurment methods of student graduate’s competences with nine and seven competences of graduates from ESS research lab students for the Information Systems major and Industrial Engineering major. In this study also designing activities to improve the competence of ESS research lab students. Keywords: Competence of Graduates, Knowledge Conversion, Measurement Method, Measurement Tools, SECI Method






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri