Perancangan Atribut Kebutuhan Layanan Pelatihan Go Online Pada Rumah Bumn Kota Bandung Menggunakan Integrasi Service Quality Dan Model Kano


  • Aqfie Jumidhal Ardha Telkom University
  • Yati Rohayati Telkom University
  • Ima Normalia Kusmayanti Telkom University


Abstrak Rumah BUMN (RB) merupakan wadah yang disediakan oleh BUMN untuk menjadi pusat data dan informasi serta sebagai pusat edukasi, pelatihan pengembangan dan digitalisasi UMKM. RB melakukan pembinaan untuk membantu UMKM, terdapat tiga klasifikasi pembinaan pada RB diantaranya go modern, go digital dan go online. RB Kota Bandung memiliki target membentuk 40 UMKM baru di masing-masing level pembinaan yang bersifat tetap setiap bulannya. Namun, RB Kota Bandung belum berhasil mencapai target pada klasifikasi go online. Melalui wawancara, peserta pelatihan menyatakan kesulitan dalam memahami dan menerapkan materi yang didapatkan selama pelatihan sehingga tidak berhasil naik ke klasifikasi go online. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, maka dilakukan penelitian terkait perumusan kebutuhan layanan pelatihan go online RB Kota Bandung menggunakan integrasi service quality dan model kano. Dimensi yang digunakan diantaranya training equipment, instructor, content dan delivery. Melalui dimensi tersebut diperoleh 14 atribut kebutuhan pengelolaan layanan pelatihan go online. Melalui integrasi service quality dan model kano diperoleh delapan atribut kebutuhan yang menjadi true customer needs yang harus ditingkatkan. Rekomendasi atribut kebutuhan dirumuskan melalui hasil integrasi service quality dan model kano yang menjadi true customer needs. Kata kunci: Pelatihan, Go Online, Service Quality, Model Kano, True Customer Needs Abstract Rumah BUMN (RB) is a place provided by SOEs to become data and information center,as center for education, training on the development and digitization of MSMEs. RB conducts coaching to help MSMEs, there are three classifications of coaching in RB including go modern, go digital and go online. RB Bandung has target of forming 40 new MSMEs at each level of coaching that is permanent every month. However, RB Bandung has not managed to reach the target on the classification of go online. Through interviews, trainees expressed difficulty in understanding and applying materials obtained during the training so they did not make it to go online classification. Based on the problems above, the research related to formulation of go online training services needs at RB Bandung using the integration of service quality and kano model. Dimensions used include training equipment, instructor, content and delivery. Through these dimensions obtained 14 need attributes to manage go online training services. Through the integration of service quality and kano model obtained eight need attributes that become true customer needs. Recommendations of need attributes formulated through the results of integration of service quality and kano model that becomes true customer needs. Keywords: Training, Go Online, Service Quality, Kano Model, True Customer Needs






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri