Perbaikan Model Bisnis Pada Penjualan Produk Perangkat Ktp Elektronik Menggunakan Metode Business Model Canvas
ABSTRACT PT XYZ is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which has several business units, one of them is engaged in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). PT XYZ is one of the largest distributors of E-KTP equipment in Indonesia which has a market share of 60%. In 2019 there were several problems that occurred in the retail business elements of the E-KTP equipment at PT XYZ, namely the customer relationship element, channels element, revenue streams element and key resources element. The existence of the problems with the four of business elements resulted in the business model being less effective, so it was necessary to carry out a process of improvements in the business model. Through the Business Model Canvas method, a SWOT Analysis is carried out on four main aspects, namely value proposition, infrastructure, cost and revenue, and also customer relationship. Then the strategy design is also carried out using an analysis of the strengths, weakness, threats and opportunities based on experienced at PT XYZ. The selection of strategic priority was carried out by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method which was carried out to 3 experts who were directly in contact with business process at PT XYZ. The output of this research are in the form of the proposed Business Model Canvas to be mapped on 9 buildings blocks namely the Customer Segment, Value Proposition, Channels, Customer Relationship, Revenue Streams, Key Activities, Key Partnership, Key Resources and Cost Structure##submission.downloads##
Program Studi S2 Teknik Industri