Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Tanaman Hidroponik Terintegrasi Iot Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining


  • Muhamad Ramadhan Telkom University
  • Muhammad Ary Murti Telkom University
  • Casi Setianingsih Telkom University


Abstrak Aplikasi sistem pakar hidroponik dengan metode pengambil keputusan forward chaining dan certainty factor, menjadi alat bantu pegiat hidroponik yang dapat dibawa kemanapun yang hanya bermodalkan Internet dan Smartphone android. Sistem pakar yang dibangun dapat melakukan monitoring, serta pengendalian alat kontrol nutrisi hidroponik yang terintegrasi (Internet of Things). Data sensor ph dan tds akan diproses menggunakan metode pengambil keputusan forward chaining dan penentu kepastian Certainty Factor untuk melakukan klasifikasi dan penangan solusi masalah larutan hidroponik. Sistem pakar dibuat menggunakan aplikasi android studio yang memiliki akurasi pengambilan keputusan yang telah di validasi pakar sebesar 100%, dan memiliki interval waktu rata-rata pengiriman data ke alat selama 39,2 detik. Alpha testing has been carried out on the application system with 100% accuracy, pengujian beta dengan aspek usability > 80%, pengujian validitas dengan ke-6 pertanyaan memiliki nilai > rtabel dinyakan valid, Uji reliabilitas memiliki nilai Alpha = 0.8105 > 0.6 (nilai pembanding) maka dinyatakan reliable. Kata Kunci : Hidroponik, Sistem Pakar, Forward Chaining, Certainty Factor Abstract The hydroponic expert system application with the forward chaining decision-making method and certainty factors, becomes a tool for hydroponic activists that can be carried anywhere with only the Internet and an Android Smartphone. The expert system that is built can monitor and control an integrated hydroponic nutrition control device (Internet of Things). The ph and tds sensor data will be processed using the forward chaining decision-making method and the Certainty Factor determinant to classify and handle hydroponic solution problems. The expert system is made using the android studio application which has an accuracy of decision making that has been validated by experts at 100%, and has an average time interval of sending data to the tool for 39.2 seconds. Alpha testing has been carried out on the application system with 100% accuracy, beta testing with usability aspects> 80%, validity testing with all 6 questions having a value> rtabel declared valid, reliability test having Alpha value = 0.8105> 0.6 (comparable value ) then declared reliable. Keyword : Hydroponic, Expert System, Forward Chaining, Certainty Factor






Program Studi S1 Teknik Elektro