Analisis Keamanan Pada Bluetooth Low Energy (ble): Implementasi Di Wireless Body Area Network (wban) Menggunakan Watchdog Sebagai Instrusion Detection Sistem (ids)


  • Pramesta K. Kusumadani Telkom University
  • Ida Wahidah Telkom University
  • Fardan Fardan Telkom University


Bluetooh Low Energy (BLE) adalah protokol Bluetooth klasik dengan fitur utama konsumsi dayanya yang rendah. Namun, BLE masih rentan dalam segi keamanan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini membuat Intrusion Detection System (IDS) berbasis signature dengan kemampuan menganalisis perilaku sistem berdasarkan peraturan di database. Signature-Based IDS tidak memiliki kesalahan dalam mendeteksi serangan yang telah dikenali. Penelitian ini menggunakan BLE Mesh dengan Library Espressif dan sensor DHT11 sebagai objek yang diuji. Sensor DHT11 digunakan untuk implementasi Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). Topologi yang sudah dibangun akan dipantau oleh node watchdog, yaitu node IDS dengan tujuan menganalisis lalu lintas jaringan. Paket yang tertangkap oleh watchdog direkam menggunakan Wireshark kemudian IDS menganalisis lalu lintas dan memberikan peringatan. Penelitian ini menunjukan IDS mampu membaca dan mengidentifikasi lalu lintas jaringan berdasarkan log Wireshark. IDS mengindikasikan lalu lintas tersebut normal jika tidak terdeteksi paket “Unknown” dan “Delta time” di 0µs, IDS mendeteksi gangguan jika terdeteksi paket “Unknown” dan tidak mendeteksi “Delta time” di 0µs. Sedangkan IDS mendeteksi serangan jika terdeteksi paket “Unknown” dan “Delta time” di 0µs. Selain itu IDS memberikan informasi jumlah paket dan waktu penangkapan paket. Penelitian ini menghitung kualitas jaringan dan hasilnya menunjukkan jaringan ini berkualitas sangat baik.
Kata Kunci: Bluetooth Low Energy, Signature-Based IDS, watchdog

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a classic Bluetooth protocol with the main feature of low power consumption. However, BLE is still vulnerable in terms of security. Therefore, this study created a SignatureBased Intrusion Detection System (IDS) with the ability to analyze system behavior based on rules in the database. The Signature-Based IDS has no errors in detecting known attacks.This research uses BLE Mesh with Espressif library and DHT11 sensor as the object being tested. The DHT11 sensor is used for the implementation of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). The topology that has been built will be monitored by the watchdog node, namely the IDS node with the aim of analyzing network traffic. The packets are captured by the watchdog who records using Wireshark then the IDS analyzes the traffic and gives warnings.This research shows that IDS is able to read and identify network traffic based on Wireshark logs. IDS finds normal traffic if “Unknown” and “Delta time” packets are not detected at 0µs, IDS detects interference if “Unknown” packets are detected and does not detect “Delta time” at 0µs. Meanwhile, the IDS detects an 1 st Pramesta K. Kusumadani Fakultas Teknik Elektro Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia 2nd Ida Wahidah Fakultas Teknik Elektro Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia 3 rd Fardan Fakultas Teknik Elektro Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia attack if it detects an “Unknown” and “Delta time” packet at 0µs. In addition, IDS provides information on the number of packets and packet capture time. This study calculates the quality of the network and the results show that this network is of very good quality.
Keywords: Bluetooth Low Energy, Mesh Network, Signature-Based IDS, Watchdog






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi