Perancangan Jaringan Serat Optik Untuk Komunikasi Lte Penumpang Pada Kereta Cepat Jakarta-surabaya Sub Jakarta-cirebon


  • Argymnasthiar Ramadhana Telkom University
  • Erna Sri Sugesti Telkom University
  • Rina Pudji Astuti Telkom University


Abstrak BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) menyampaikan bahwa jumlah penumpang sepanjang 2020 mengalami penurunan karena pandemi Covid-19 yang terus meningkat, jumlah penumpang kereta untuk Jabodetabek sebanyak 154,591 (ribu) penumpang dan non-jabodetabek sebanyak 28,805 (ribu). Pada teknologi backbone optik dapat digunakan pada (SDH) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy STM-64 DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing), teknologi jaringan akses menggunakan XG-PON, dan teknologi core network LTE (Long Term Evolution) menggunakan EPC. Rancangan yang dibuat berupa dengan parameter delay, power link budget, Q-factor, rise-time, SNR, dan BER dengan ketentuan standar ITU-T G.987, ITU-T G696.1 DAN 3GPP TS23.203. Hasil perancangan membutuhkan satu EPC di Jakarta. Delay pada link sisi Downstream 1.569633952 ms. Link downstream didapat pada link STO Pagaden – Site 26_KROYAML dengan LPB sebesar -19.83 dBm, Q-factor 8,960069158, BER 1,64x10-19 dan RTB 0,046097749 ns. Untuk link upstream total delay yang didapat adalah 1.569123599 ms, LPB terendah didapat pada site tambahan 14 - STO CIKINI dengan LPB sebesar -19,62 dBm, Q-factor 6.76041511, BER 1,02x10-12, dan RTB 0.046097724. Dan link backbone terendah LPB -23,67 dBm, Q-factor 11,08921015, BER 7,133x10-29, dan RTB 0.044821906 ns. Kata Kunci: LTE (Long Term Evolution), Backhaul, Backbone, EPC, XG-PON, DWDM. Abstract BPS (Central Statistics Agency) said that the number of passengers throughout 2020 experienced a decline due to the increasing the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of train passengers for Jabodetabek was 154,591 (thousand) passengers and non-Jabodetabek were 28.805 (thousand).Optical backbone technology can be used on (SDH) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy STM-64 DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing), access network technology using XG-PON, and LTE (Long Term Evolution) core network technology using EPC. The design is made with parameters of delay, power link budget, Q-factor, risetime, SNR, and BER with the standard provisions of ITU-T G.987, ITU-T G696.1 AND 3GPP TS23,203.The design require one EPC in Jakarta. Delay on Downstream side link of 1.569633952 ms. The downstream link is obtained at the STO Pagaden – Site 26_KROYAML with LPB of -19,83 dBm, Q-factor 8.960069158, BER 1.64x10-19 and RTB 0.046097749 ns. For upstream link, total delay obtained is 1.569123599 ms, lowest LPB is obtained at additional site 14 - STO CIKINI with LPB of -19,62 dBm, Q-factor 6.76041511, BER 1.02x10-12, and RTB 0.046097724. And lowest backbone link, LPB is -23,67 dBm, Q-factor is 11.08921015, BER is 7.133x10-29, and RTB is 0.044821906 ns. Keywords: LTE (Long Term Evolution), Backhaul, Backbone, EPC, XG-PON, DWDM






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi