Sistem Monitoring Mutu Lingkungan Hidup Pada Kandang Larva Black Soldier Fly Terintegrasi Berbasis Internet Of Things (iot)


  • Muhammad Tegas Wibisono Telkom University
  • Rizki Ardianto Priramadhi Telkom University
  • Istiqomah Istiqomah Telkom University


Abstrak Budidaya larva Black Soldier Fly sedang meningkat karena selain dapat membantu mengurai limbah organik, larva BSF juga memiliki nilai ekonomis sebagai pakan ternak. Pertumbuhan larva BSF dipengaruhi oleh mutu lingkungan hidupnya. Suhu udara kandang, kelembaban pakan, dan kadar pH pakan yang kurang tepat dapat menurunkan hasil perkembangbiakan larva BSF. Pengembangbiak harus melakukan pengukuran agar dapat menganalisa mutu lingkungan hidup yang optimal untuk memaksimalkan pertumbuhan larva BSF. Tentunya akan cukup merepotkan jika pengkuran berkala dilakukan secara manual. Salah satu solusinya adalah merancang sistem monitoring yang ditempatkan pada kandang berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Pada Tugas Akhir ini dirancang suatu sistem monitoring untuk mengetahui nilai mutu lingkungan hidup larva BSF. Data yang didapat dari hasil pembacaan sensor kemudian dikirim ke platform IoT Antares. Hasil pengujian sistem monitoring yang didapat untuk rata-rata akurasi sensor suhu udara SHT20 sebesar 99,51%, rata-rata akurasi sensor kelembaban SEN0193 sebesar 98,76%, dan rata-rata akurasi sensor pH sebesar 99,39%. Kemudian untuk hasil pengujian sistem komunikasi didapat nilai rata-rata throughput sebesar 2584 bps, rata-rata delay sebesar 1404 ms, dan tidak ada paket data yang hilang dalam pengiriman. Data tersebut dapat diakses melalui mobile app disertai keterangan tiap parameter mutu lingkungan hidup. Kata Kunci: Larva BSF, Mutu Lingkungan Hidup, Monitoring, Internet of Things, Mobile App Abstract The cultivation of Black Soldier Fly larvae is increasing because apart from being able to help decompose organic waste, BSF larvae also have economic value as animal feed. The growth of BSF larvae is influenced by the quality of their environment. The air temperature of the cage, the humidity of the feed, and the inappropriate pH level of the feed can reduce the breeding yield of BSF larvae. Breeders must take measurements in order to analyze the optimal environmental quality to maximize the growth of BSF larvae. Of course, it will be quite inconvenient if periodic measurements are carried out manually. One solution is to design a monitoring system that is placed in an Internet of Things (IoT) based enclosure. In this final project, a monitoring system is designed to determine the environmental quality of BSF larvae. The data obtained from the sensor readings are then sent to the Antares IoT platform. The monitoring system test results obtained for the average accuracy of the SHT20 temperature sensor is 99.51%, the average accuracy of the SEN0193 capacitive soil moisture sensor is 98.76%, and the average pH sensor accuracy is 99.39%. Then for the results of the communication system test, the average throughput value is 2584 bps, the average delay is 1404 ms, and no data packets are lost in the delivery. The data can be accessed through a mobile app accompanied by a description of each environmental quality parameter.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Elektro