Design And Implementation Of An Mqtt-Based Internet Of Drone Things For Swarm Drone


  • Ratna Sari Telkom University
  • Nyoman Bogi Aditya Karna Telkom University
  • Arif Indra Irawan Telkom University


Swarm drones are drones that communicate with
each other, the more drones that communicate, the heavier the
communication network, therefore the aim of this research is to
be able to make light communication between two drones using
the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) data
protocol. This thesis uses NodeMCU tools. The protocol used is
MQTT in the use of communication between drones. Because of
the shortcomings of the HTTP protocol, the MQTT server
protocol must be implemented to support the development of the
IoT platform. MQTT is a lightweight and simple communication
protocol. The plan outcome is that two drones will be able to
communicate reliably utilizing the MQTT data protocol. After
conducting the test, the results of testing network quality with QoS
parameters are delay, jitter, packet loss, and throughput. The
average delay of MQTT QoS 0 is 0.103 s, MQTT QoS 1 is 0.111
s, and HTTP is 0.124 s. HTTP and MQTT QoS 0 get 0% packet
loss, while MQTT QoS 1 gets 0.1% packet loss. Throughput on the
MQTT protocol is faster than the HTTP protocol. And the network
quality of the MQTT protocol is better than HTTP.

Keyword— MQTT,HTTP, IoT, Subscribe, Publish and


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Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi