Analisis Performansi Mesin Menggunakan Metode Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (ram) Analysis Dan Penentuan Umur Mesin Serta Maintenance Set Crew Optimal Menggunakan Life Cycle Cost (lcc) Analysis Pada Mesin Dumping Line 1 Di Pt Xyz


  • Mohammad Badar Telkom University
  • Endang Budiasih Telkom University
  • Judi Alhilman Telkom University


Abstrak PT XYZ merupakan salah satu industri manufaktur yang menghasilkan Accu Battery terbesar di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data dari GAIKINDO sebesar 55% dari penjualan mobil di Indonesia pada tahun 2016 hingga 2017 menggunakan accu battery yang diproduksi oleh PT XYZ. Dalam mengoperasikan mesin dan peralatan, PT XYZ memerlukan sistem perawatan mesin yang baik serta optimal terutama pada mesin Dumping di line 1 yang memiliki frekuensi downtime tertinggi pada tahun 2016 hingga 2017 yakni sebesar 292 kerusakan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya analisis Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) dengan pemodelan Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) serta analisis Life Cycle Cost (LCC) untuk mengetahui performansi mesin Dumping Line 1. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran performansi dengan menggunakan metode RAM, diperoleh nilai reliability system sebesar 61,94% pada t = 112 jam dan untuk mencapai nilai maintainability 100% membutuhkan waktu minimal selama empat jam dengan nilai inherent availability sebesar 99,81% dan operational availability sebesar 99,72%. Dari hasil evaluasi yang telah dilakukan berdasarkan kebijakan perusahaan dan Key Performance Indicator IVARA sebagai parameter keberhasilan, indikator availability telah mencapai target indikator sebesar 95%. Dari hasil perhitungan dengan metode LCC didapatkan nilai Life Cycle Cost terkecil sebesar Rp646.175.379,30,- dengan umur optimal mesin selama tujuh tahun dan jumlah maintenance crew sebanyak satu orang.
Kata kunci: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Reliability Block Diagram, Life Cycle Cost, Key Performance Indicator. Abstract PT XYZ is one of the largest manufacturing industries that produces the largest Accu Battery in Indonesia. Based on data from GAIKINDO 55% of car sales in Indonesia from 2016 to 2017 using batteries manufactured by PT XYZ. In operating the machinery and equipment, PT XYZ requires a good and optimal machine maintenance system. Especially on the Dumping machine in line 1 which has the highest downtime frequency in 2016 until 2017 which amounted to 292 damage. Therefore it is necessary to analyze Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) with Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) modeling and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis to know Dumping Line 1 machine performance. Based on performance measurement using RAM method, the value of reliability system is 61.94% at t = 112 hours and to achieve 100% maintainability it takes for 4 hours. Where the inherent availability value of 99.81% and operational availability of 99.72%. From the results of evaluations that have been done based on company policy and Key Performance Indicator IVARA as the parameters of success, indicator availability has reached the indicator target of 95%. From the calculation with LCC method, obtained the smallest Life Cycle Cost value of Rp646.175.379,30,- with the optimal age of the machine for seven years and the number of maintenance crew as much as one person.

Keywords: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Reliability Block Diagram, Life Cycle Cost, Key Performance Indicator.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri