Usulan Kebijakan Preventive Maintenance Pada Mesin Waldrich Siegen Dengan Menggunakan Metode Risk Based Maintenance (rbm) Dan Life Cycle Cost (lcc) Di Pt Xyz (persero)


  • Noviyanti Permata Sari Telkom University
  • Judi Alhilman Telkom University
  • Nurdinintya Athari SUPRATMAN Telkom University


Abstrak PT XYZ (Persero) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi dan penjualan alat utama sistem senjata, produk industri, serta beberapa produk komersial. Produk-produk unggulan yang dihasilkan seperti produk konstruksi, pertanian, perkapalan, pertambangan dan kelistrikan. Produk unggulan dengan ukuran yang mayoritas besar diproduksi oleh bagian divisi alat berat. Mesin Waldrich Siegen merupakan mesin produksi yang memiliki downtime tertinggi sehingga mesin tidak dapat bekerja optimal dan memerlukan kebijakan perawatan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) dan Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Metode Risk Based Maintenance digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar konsekuensi dan nilai risiko yang dihasilkan akibat kerusakan mesin Waldrich Siegen. Metode Life Cycle Cost (LCC) digunakan untuk menentukan retirement age, maintenance set crew, dan mengetahui total life cycle cost optimal pada mesin Waldrich Siegen. Berdasarkan metode RBM, didapatkan nilai konsekuensi dan risiko sebesar Rp 284.817.600,00 dengan persentase 0,90%. Risiko ini melewati batas kriteria penerimaan risiko yaitu 0,40% pada mesin Waldrich Siegen. Berdasarkan metode LCC, didapatkan retirement age mesin Waldrich Siegen selama tiga tahun dengan jumlah maintenance set crew yang terdiri dari satu orang, dan total life cycle cost yang minimum sebesar Rp 413.882.541,00.

Kata Kunci: Risk Matrix, Risk Based Maintenance, Life Cycle Cost, Retirement Age, Maintenance Set Crew

Abstract PT XYZ (Persero) is a company engaged in the production and sales of main tool weapon systems, industrial products, and some commercial products. Excellent products are produced such as construction products, agriculture, shipping, mining and electricity. Excellent products with a large sizes produced by heavy equipment division. Waldrich Siegen engine is the production machine that has the highest downtime so that the machine can not work optimally and require maintenance policy. The method used in this research is Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Risk Based Maintenance method is used to find out how big the consequences and the value of risk resulting from damage to engine Waldrich Siegen. Life Cycle Cost (LCC) method is used to determine retirement age, maintenance set crew, and know the total life cycle cost optimal on Waldrich Siegen machine. Based on RBM method, we get the value of consequence and risk of Rp 284.817.600,00 with percentage 0,90%. This risk exceeds the risk acceptance criteria of 0.40% on the Waldrich Siegen engine. Based on the LCC method, there was a retirement age of Waldrich Siegen engine for four years, with maintenance crew consisting of one person, and a minimum life cycle cost of Rp 413.882.541,00.

Keyword : Risk Matrix, Risk Based Maintenance, Life Cycle Cost, Retirement Age, Maintenance Set Crew






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri