Identifikasi Distribusi Serbuk Logam Dalam Tanah Dengan Metoda Induksi Medan Magnet


  • Jessica Pramesti Telkom University
  • Dudi Darmawan Telkom University
  • ABRAR Ismardi Telkom University


Abstrak Metoda induksi medan magnet adalah salah satu metoda Non-Destructive Testing dengan variabel eksitasi medan magnet pada objek yang akan diuji. Metoda induksi medan magnet ini diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi distribusi serbuk logam dalam tanah. Pengujian menggunakan dua jenis kumparan yang berperan sebagai transmitter dan receiver. Serbuk logam tembaga (Cu), mangan (Mn) dan besi (Fe) divariasikan jumlah massanya dan disebar secara merata dalam tanah serta diinduksi tepat di tengah oleh kumparan transmitter. Respon nilai ggl yang terukur di kumparan receiver dianalisis dengan melihat perbedaan antara penambahan variasi massa serbuk. Berdasarkan pengukuran yang telah dilakukan, serbuk tembaga sensitif pada penambahan massa 30 gram dengan rentang perubahan 80-100 mV, serbuk mangan sensitif pada penambahan massa 50 gram sebesar 200 mV dan serbuk besi yang sudah sensitif pada awal penambahan massa 10 gram. Dari keseluruhan pengujian yang dilakukan, jenis serbuk besi (Fe) memiliki jarak sensitivitas pengukuran dan perubahan nilai ggl terbesar terhadap penambahan variasi massa serbuk.

Kata Kunci : Metoda Induksi Medan Magnet, Serbuk Logam, Respon ggl

Magnetic Field Induction is one method of Non-Destructive Testing with excitation variable of magnetic field on the object to be tested. The Induction method of the magnetic field is expected to identify the distribution of metal powders in the soil. The testing used two types of coils that served as transmitters and receivers. The mass quantities of copper metal (Cu), manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) powder are varied and spread evenly in the ground and induced precisely in the middle by the transmitter coil. The response of the measured ggl value in the receiver coil is analysed by looking at the difference between the addition of powder mass variations. Based on the measurements, the copper powder is sensitive to the addition of 30 grams of a mass with a change range of 80-100 mV; the manganese powder was sensitive to the addition of 50 grams of a mass of 200 mV; and iron powder had been sensitive at the beginning of 10 grams of a mass increase. From all the tests performed, iron powder (Fe) had a measurement sensitivity distance and changes in the largest ggl value to the addition of powder mass variation.

Keynote : Magnetic Field Induction, Metal Powder, ggl response






Program Studi S1 Teknik Fisika