Usulan Kebijakan Perawatan Mesin Dan Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sparepart Mesin Fin Cnc Bl1412 Dengan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (rcm) Dan Reliability Centered Spares (rcs) Di Pt Duta Hita Jaya


  • Muhammad Hamdan Telkom University
  • Judi Alhilman Telkom University
  • Endang Budiasih Telkom University


Abstrak - PT. Hita Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di industri fabrikasi besi dan baja. Menjadi salah satu pendukung utama dalam pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia yang saat ini terus berkembang ditandai dengan pembangunan jalan, bandara, pelabuhan, rel kereta api, dan beberapa fasilitas lainnya. Tower merupakan salah satu produk yang sering dipesan oleh pelanggan baik itu tower telekomunikasi atau tower listrik. Untuk menghindari kerusakan yang akan menghambat proses produksi yang telah ditargetkan sehingga berdampak pada kerugian maka dilakukanlah penelitian menggunakan metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) untuk mendapatkan interval waktu perawatan yang tepat dan metode Reliability Centered Spares (RCS) untuk memperhitungkan tingkat persediaan sparepart yang harus disediakan agar tidak terjadi stock out. Pemilihan maintenance task berdasarkan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan RCM Worksheet dihasilkan sepuluh kegiatan Scheduled On-Condition kemudian dilanjutkan melakukan perhitungan kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan interval waktu perawatan dengan biaya perawatan usulan sebesar Rp 88.390.300,00. Hasil perhitungan RCS dengan metode poisson process yaitu komponen repairable seperti selang hidrolik membutuhkan 4 buah, selang pneumatic pada marking 4 buah dan selang pneumatic pada punching 9 buah. Komponen non-repairable seperti solenoid valve 10 buah, tubing 14 buah, baut L8 22 buah, limit switch 30 buah, dan oring koper 55 buah.

Kata kunci: RCM Worksheet, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Poisson Process, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Reliability Centered Spares.

Abstract - PT. Duta Hita Jaya is one of the companies in the iron and steel fabrication industry. Being one of the main support in infrastructure development in Indonesia, which is currently growing, is marked by the construction of roads, airports, ports, railroads and several other facilities. The tower is one of product that is often ordered by customers, whether it's a telecommunications tower or an electric tower. To avoid failure of the production that has an impact on production target with the result that make disadvantage to company, so this research is using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) method to get the proper maintenance time interval and the Reliability Centered Spares (RCS) method to calculate the level of spare parts inventory that must be provided so there is no stock out. Maintenance task election based on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and RCM Worksheet. The result was ten Scheduled On-Condition activities and then continued to do quantitative calculations to get a maintenance time interval with a proposed maintenance cost of Rp 88.390.300,00. The results of RCS calculation with the Poisson process method are repairable components such as hydraulic hose requiring 4 pieces, pneumatic hose on marking 4 pieces and pneumatic hose on punching 9 pieces. Non-repairable components such as 10 pieces of the solenoid valve, 14 pieces of tubing, 22 pieces of L8 bolts, 30 pieces of limit switches, and 55 pieces of oring koper .

Keywords: RCM Worksheet, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Poisson Process, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Reliability Centered Spares.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri