Analisis Pengembangan Usaha Serta Perancangan Website Pada Start Up Kue Brownies Di Karawang


  • Dwi Sela Tresnasari Telkom Univeristy
  • Endang Chumaidiyah Telkom University
  • Anton Abdulbasah Kamil Telkom University


Abstrak Dapur WeeBee Brownies merupakan salah satu usaha startup pembuatan kue browniesskala rumahan di daerah Karawang sejak tahun 2015. Penjualan brownies dari tahun 2017 hingga 2018 mengalami penurunan sehingga Dapur WeeBee Brownies berencana membuka toko online dan membuka cabang baru di daerah Kota. Dengan adanya rencana yang dilakukan, diperlukan analisis kelayakan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha Dapur WeeBee Brownies dengan membuka toko online dan cabang baru yang ditinjau berdasarkan aspek pasar, teknis, dan finansial. Analisis aspek pasar digunakan untuk mengukur permintaan pasar atas pendiriannya cabang baru. Berdasarkan pengolahan data aspek pasar bahwa 81% berminat untuk membeli brownies basah dan 69% berminat untuk membeli brownies kering. Aspek teknis bertujuan mengestimasi kebutuhan dana total berdasarkan investasi dan working capital. Kebutuhan dana untuk membuka toko online dan cabang baru Dapur WeeBee Brownies sebesar Rp 233.368.104. Aspek finansial dilakukan untuk melakukan analisis kelayakan berdasarkan dari nilai NPV, IRR, dan PBP. Berdasarkan pengolahan data NPV, IRR, dan PBP didapatkan bahwa pembukaan toko online dan pembukaan cabang baru Dapur WeeBee Brownies layak. Analisis sensitivitas untuk melihat faktor yang paling berdampak pada usaha Dapur WeeBee Brownies. Hasil analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling berdampak yaitu peningkatan biaya tenaga kerja dengan presentase 3% dan sensitiv terhadap biaya tenaga kerja. Selain itu analisis risiko juga digunakan dalam melakukan analisis kelayakan. Hasil analisis risiko dari usaha Dapur WeeBee Brownies dikatakan layak karena nilai NPV rate 17,25% > MARR rate 10,25%. Kata kunci: Analisis Kelayakan, Analisis Sensitivitas, Analisis Risiko, Dapur WeeBee Brownies Abstract Kitchen WeeBee Brownies is one of the business startup making a cake brownies-scale home-based in the Falkirk area since the year 2015. The sale of brownie from 2017 to 2018 has decreased so that the Kitchen WeeBee Brownies are you planning to open an online store and open new branches in areas of the City. With the plan done, the necessary feasibility analysis that aims to determine the feasibility of the Kitchen WeeBee Brownies with open an online store and a new branch that will be reviewed based on the aspects of market, technical, and financial. Aspects of the analysis of the market used to measure the market demand for the establishment of new branches. Based on the data processing aspects of the market that 81% are interested to buy brownies wet and 69% are interested to buy dry brownie. The technical aspect aims at estimating the needs of the total fund based on the investment and working capital. The fund needs to open an online store and a new branch Kitchen WeeBee Brownies Rp 233.368.104. The financial aspect is made to do a feasibility analysis based on NPV, IRR, and PBP. Based on the data processing NPV, IRR, and PBP was found that the opening of the online stores and the opening of a new branch Kitchen WeeBee Brownies worth. A sensitivity analysis to see the factors that most impact on the business of the Kitchen WeeBee Brownies. The results of the sensitivity analysis show that the factors that most impact is increasing labor costs by 3% and sensitive to labor costs. In addition risk analysis is also used in conducting the feasibility analysis. The results of the risk analysis of the business Kitchen WeeBee Brownie feasible because the value of NPV rate 17,25% > MARR rate of 10,25%. Keywords: Feasibility Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Risk Analysis, Kitchen WeeBee Brownies






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri