Analisis Efektivitas Mesin Bubut Pada PT. Smart Teknik Utama Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Dan Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM)


  • Muhammad Ilham Z Telkom University
  • Judi Alhilman Telkom University
  • Endang Budiasih Telkom University


Abstrak PT. Smart Teknik Utama merupakan perusahaan yang begerak di bidang industri yang memproduksi produk Rodhing Point sebagai permintaan tahunan dari PT Len Indonesia. Mesin bubut adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk mengulir part dari rodhing sehingga mesin bubut harus memliki performansi yang bagus dan bekerja secara optimal. Maka kebijakan maintenance pada mesin bubut harus tepat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Analysis untuk mengetahui kinerja dan tingkat efektivitas mesin. Serta faktor six big losses untuk mengetahui faktor apa yang menyebabkan nilai OEE rendah. Metode selanjutnya yaitu Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM) Analysis pada sistem kritis mesin dan mengetahui nilai performance indicator di sistem kritis mesin. Berdasarkan OEE didapatkan nilai OEE sebesar 65,02%. Nilai OEE yang telah didapatkan belum mencapai kriteria standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh JIPM sebesar 85%. Berdasarkan six big losses, diketahui bahwa faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap penurunan efektivitas mesin bubut adalah faktor idling and minor stoppages sebanyak 25,75% dimana angka itu 69% dari kerusakan total sehingga mengakibatkan performa mesin menurun. Pada mesin bubut juga terdapat 3 sub sistem kritis yaitu headstock, leadscrew, dan toolpost. Masing-masing sub sistem memiliki R(t) = 200 jam yaitu, headstock 39%, leadscrew 99%, dan toolpost 95%, sedangkan untuk mencapai kondisi maintainability lebih dari 85% dibutuhkan M(t) = 5 jam. Nilai inherent availability system 99,81% dan operational availability system 94.08%. Kata Kunci : Reliability- Maintenance-Availability, Overall-Equipment-Effectiveness, Six-Big-Losses. Abstract PT. Smart Teknik Utama is a company engaged in the industry that manufactures Rodhing Point products where the company produces rodhing points as an annual request from PT Len Indonesia. Lathes are machines that are used to scroll parts of rodhing so that the lathe must have good performance and work optimally. So the maintenance policy on the lathe must be right. The method used is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Analysis to determine the performance and level of engine effectiveness. And the six big losses factor to find out what factors cause low OEE values. The next method is Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM) Analysis on the critical system of the engine and knowing the value of the performance indicator in the critical system of the engine. Based on the OEE overall equipment effectiveness method, the OEE value was 65.02%. The OEE value that has been obtained has not reached the standard criteria set by JIPM at 85%. Based on the six big losses, it is known that the factors that most influence the decrease in the effectiveness of the lathe are the idling and minor stoppages factors of 25.75% where the figure is 69% of the total damage resulting in decreased engine performance. In the lathe there are also 3 critical sub systems, namely headstock, leadscrew, and toolpost. Each sub-system has R (t) = 200 hours, namely 39% headstock, 99% leadscrew, and 95% toolpost, whereas to achieve maintainability conditions of more than 85% it takes M (t) = 5 hours. 99.81% inherent availability system value and 94.08% operational availability system. Keywords–Reliability-Maintenance-Availability, Overall-Equipment-Effectiveness, Six-Big-Losses






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri