Promotional Media Influence For The Consumer Decision Has Comes As A Participant In The Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013


  • Dewi Soedarsono Comm. Dept
  • Ni Made Dwi Shanti Asih Comm. Dept


Bali as one tourist destination , today continues to make improvement in  various sector , including art and culture sector. One of the foundation that care about art and culture is The  Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati as organizers “Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival “, to attract for domestic and foreign tourists. To  disseminate  information  about  “Event  Bali  Emerging  Writers  Festivalâ€Â  ,  that    used  media  campaign    flyer, brochure,  billboard, facebook ,  twitter  dan website . The next study aims to determine whether the media campaign that used in information activities  “The Event Bali Emerging Writers Festivalâ€,  that influence of  the consumer’s decision comes it. This research using the method of causality and quantitative data analysis techniques and questionnaires as much as 223 participant of The  Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013. The results as partial and significant has influence on consumer decisions it and facebook is the most dominat factor to influencing consumer decisions for equal to 5.070  

 KeyWords : Marketing Communication, Promotion, Promotional  media,               Consumer Behavior, Consumer Decision , Social Media Introduction  





