The Role of Twitter in Political Communication in Indonesia Precidential Election 2014: The Face of New Democracy or Propaganda?


  • Nurul Hasfi Telkom University
  • Hedi Pudjo Santosa Telkom University
  • Triyono Lukmantoro Telkom University


Indonesian  general  election  2014  was  the  first  general  election  that  used  Twitter  as  channel for political communication. Twitter connects elite and non-elite and open new public space for  discussing  political  issue,  producing  public  opinion,  mobilization  etc.  It  seemingly, support the idea internet as a new platform that support democratization. This research try to confirm  optimism  about  the  role  of  media  sosial  in  Indonesia,  by  exploring  political communication on Twitter during precidential election 2014. It analyszes text produced by 8 Twitter accounts actively produce representation of Jokowi. The result show that the political communication during the campaign dominantly applied propaganda technique. 

Key words: political communication, cyberdemocracy, Twitter   I.  Background of Study 





