Reception Analysis on Videos WWF Indonesia's Version of 'A Good Buy'


  • Alive Putri Pertiwi Telkom University
  • Berlian Primadani Satria Putri Telkom University
  • Maylanny Christin Telkom University


Public service campaign is a campaign created to change the behavior of society towards a more positive, one of which is “A Good Buy Campaign†initiated by WWF Indonesia. This research aims to find out how students from Bandung to interpret this video public service campaign. To obtain research data, researchers using the technique of observation and in-depth interviews to several informants have been determined based on a few certain criteria. Through this research, the author would like to know how a meresepsi audience impressions using the model ' encoding-decoding ' Stuart Hall which divides into three audiences likely position which are the dominant hegemony, negotiation, and the opposition. This research uses qualitative methodology with method of reception analysis that assumed that audiences do not casually accept the propositions offered by the media and negotiate based on background knowledge and experience possessed by the audience. The results of this research it can be concluded that each informant have interpretasinya each of which is affected by the background. Based on the position of the decoding of the informant, the informant there is 1 on the dominant position of hegemony, three informants in a position of negotiating, and one informant on the position of the opposition. Keywords: reception analysis, public service campaigns, interpretation





