Commincation Barriers In Foreign Students Teaching


  • Rita Destiwati Telkom University


Communication is a process in which human cannot be separated from the journey of human life,  and  no  one  in  this  world  who  do  not  communicate.  Communication  is  not  hampered even  though  the  distances  have  separated  ethnic  differences  and  also  very  different languages,  people  still  do  communications.  Learning  is  a  process  of  communication,  what would  happen  if  the  teaching  applies  to  people  having  different  languages  and  nations.  The research  question  in  this  article  is  how  the  communication  barriers  in  foreign  students teaching.  The  method  of  this  research  used  method  qualitative,  through  observation  and experience  during  the  teaching  to  foreign  students.  The  research  results  generated  during explained in the class, that the communication barriers to foreign students caused to cultural issue,  intonation,  manner  of  speaking  and  understanding  different.  The  languages  have differences because it is nation.

Keywords: Communication, foreign students, teaching and culture





