Buzz Marketing Strategy In Ferma Leather Instragram
Ari Mariaman Manihuruk
Telkom University
Reni Nuraeni
Telkom University
Itca Istia Wahyuni
Telkom University
Ferma Leather is one of the online stores in Indonesia which provides leatherbased products focus on digital camera strap, established since 2012 and used digital marketing as social media Instagram. The latest form of Ferma Leather digital marketing is by created a photo contest or photo challenge join with Folk Indonesian. This Programme is intended to increase Ferma Leather Instagram followers and create buzz marketing program which is currently implemented by Ferma Leather is a photo contest with total prizes 4.5 million shopping vouchers. This photocontest promotion assisted by an external buzzer from folk Indonesia instagram (@folkindonesia) and also Vears Jeans (@vearstjeans). Buzz marketing is quite effective in disseminating information gradually and continuously transmitted from mouth to mouth in informing the company's products and services. For that to happen the company will need to select a trusted person, honest, have good integrity, and a strong personal branding. People who expected to be a choice, it is a good talker in understanding and explaining the products and services company. This study is intended to explain buzz marketing of Ferma Leather through Instagram. This Research used qualitative methodology, post-positivism paradigm that presented by descriptive design. The data obtained by in-depth interviews, literature study, documentation and observation. The focused discussions of this research through the 5 indicators, there are media, differentiation, information, results and maintenance. The result of this research stated that Ferma Leather success used Instagram to promote their product by increase post photo content, photo challenge, and comment. Its mean that buzz marketing strategy is quite effective with an increase in sales revenue and followers, Ferma Leather also evaluated each week to increase maintenance perform. Keywords: Buzz Marketing, Marketing, Ferma Leather