Communciation Patterns and Japanese Traits Through Language Expressions


  • Elly Sutawikara Telkom University
  • Amaliatun Saleha Telkom University


As one of the countries in the world emphasizing on speech levels in their language, Japan has a unique languge. In spite the fact that the usage of keigo is not as rigid as it was during pre-war era keigo, the highest speech levels in Japanese, is still practiced nowadays. Yet perfect keigo is often disturbed in everyday conversation. Therefore, in speaking, the Japanese speakers will normaly try to adjust their language with both the present hearer and absent hearer. This situation often causes misunderstanding with other people who do not understand Japanese’s language character. Most foreign people assume that the Japanese speakers are reluctant to express directly what their inner wish and true intentino. In fact they actually try to avoid speech expression or words that they assume would have been causing impoliteness toward the hearer. Most expressions in language are influenced by people’s ways of thinking, doing, and their habits. Keigo expressions therefore serve as reflections of Japanese people character.





