Content Analysis Of Online News: Clash Of Indonesian Army Against Mobile Brigade In November 2014
 Detikcom is one of the leading online mass media in Indonesia with Detiknews as one of its AFP news portal. As the name implies,  news and information found on this portal are collected from various sources. In reporting the news, Detiknews adopts the principle of continuous reporting that is delivering the news in an ongoing event including in broadcsating the clash of Indonesia Army against the Mobile Brigade in November 2014. It is interesting to study how Detiknews packs this very sensitive matter.This study was conducted to investgate the elements and composition of the news  using descriptive quantitative method of content analysis to 50 news samples titled“Duh! El Clasico TNI AD vs Brimob†period of 19-30 of November 2014 .The data was analyzed using the Guidance of Reporting on Cyber Media that is devided into two of operational variables : verification and balanced of news; and erratum, correction and right to answer. Guidance of Reporting on Cyber Media (PPMS) was applied by Board of Press as a code of ethic for cyber media and all matters that are involved in reporting online news. The result of this research shows that 72% of the news obeys the Guidance of Reporting on Cyber verification reulation and 94% of the news is last updated with no misprinting or correction regarding the issue. Â
Keywords: Content Analysis, Online Journalism, PPMS, Code of Ethic, DetikNews Â