The Declining of Mass Media Power in Setting Agenda During Local Election in Bali


  • Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University


Media usaged during election campaign is still an effective method for reaching the constituens. In 2010’s, election at five regions in Bali, printed media was the most effective way of communication. The candidate with most frequently appeared in printed media, won the election. However during 2015’s election, the role of printed media/ newspaper was declining while the used of socialmedia was increasing. This is partly due to: (1) the media/ newspapers are less independent and tend to promote a certain candidate; (2) the reader/constituent have better media literacy so they are not easily affected by the media’s agenda and (3) the election had been held together in the nation make local newspapers have less interest in printing local politics. Accordingly, the candidates used more social media, since it reach the constituent directly, the cost if more effective and the social media already became more and more common among people. Keywords: Bali, local election, media power, political communication





