Subhani Subhani
Communication Departmen at Malikussaleh University
Awaludin Arifin
Communication Departmen at Malikussaleh University
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin
Communication Departmen at Malikussaleh University
Communication technology development has provided an open space for each individual to construct his or her identity own initiative. Moreover they might construct a new character contrasting with himself real identity. But, in the construction of self-identity in webblog virtual community was not do it freely. The gender identity has been constructing by theirself to show that they are still strongly influenced by the system and the values espoused in the real society. So the matchmaking over the Internet was limited to the space to meet together prospective partner, interact and communicate. This research found that gender identity was afiliated by education, relegion, mental, pyshical attribute, appreanche, etnicty, etc.