The Changing of Street Vendor's Culture in English Kampong


  • S Azeharie Faculty of Communication Tarumanagara University
  • E.H Susanto Faculty of Communication Tarumanagara University


English Kampong is a located in the village of Pelem and Tulungrejo District of Pare Kediri, East Java. Initially Pelem and Tulungrejo village a village-based agriculture. Starting from the establishment of an English course in 1976, namely Basic English Course in Tulungrejo, District Pare, Kediri, East Java, slowly the village transformed into a village-based services. Students who study and live in the village practice English both in the English course as well as when they are outside. As a result the villagers Tulungrejo become very accustomed to hearing people speak English in their daily lives. Mohammad Kalend is the founder of Basic English Course. Since 2014 he taught English pro bono for the street vendors who sell around the campus of Basic English Course. This paper would like to see is there a cultural change that occurred on Tulungrejo’s vendor who has been learning English? If there is a change, what changes occur within the vendors? This research was conducted by using an ethnographic approach. Ethnography literally means to write or represent a culture. The result of this study indicates that among street vendors and villagers of Tulungrejo, English is already accepted as part of a new culture in Tulungrejo village. No one is likely to think that when someone speaks in English that made him or her arrogant. The street vendors realized that mastering English is a chance for young children Tulungrejo village to work and achieve a better life. Keyword: culture, street vendor, English course





