The Influence of Job Responsibility on Employee Performance at Ramada By Wyndham Bali
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased competition among hotels. Organizations are forced to balance staffing
levels to retain their workers in the face of diminishing performance and growing responsibilities. Businesses that
don't compete will eventually disappear from their sector. As such, it is imperative that businesses maintain and
enhance their performance on a constant basis. This study looks at how job responsibility affects Ramada
employees' performance. Written by Wyndham Bali. Using surveys and questionnaires, this research employs a
quantitative methodology to collect primary data from 91 respondents and analyze it using simple linear regression.
Based on hypothesis testing, the research results indicate that work responsibility has a significant impact on
performance. The theoretical contribution of this study expands our understanding of the specific impact of job
responsibility on performance at Ramada By Wyndham after the COVID-19 pandemic. SPSS version 25 was
employed as the data analysis program. The findings of the study show that work responsibility has a major impact
on Ramada By Wyndham employees' performance. According to data analysis, work responsibility (X) influences
performance (Y) by 33%, with other factors not included in this study accounting for the other 67% of the variation.
Recommendations to optimize the responsibility processes are derived from the findings of the hypothesis testing.
This makes it easier for the business to evaluate its own performance requirements and provides information for
analyzing employee performance inside the company.
Keywords-work motivation, work environment, and employee performance
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