Produksi Program Televisi Laporan Indepth “Vandalisme Di Transportasi Umum†(Program Televisi Laporan Indepth Tentang Vandalisme Yang Terjadi Di Kereta Bandara)
Baru-baru saja terjadi tindakan graffiti vandalisme di kereta bandara milik PT.Railink Indonesia yang baru saja terjadi bulan Oktober 2018 lalu. Karya akhir ini berupa acara televisi yang bertujuan untuk mencari tahu tentang siapakah pelaku dibalik tindakan graffiti vandalisme di kereta bandara serta apa motifnya. Program televisi ini juga memberi tahu agar masyarakat tetap waspada teradap pelaku graffiti vandalisme. Karya ini dibuat berlandaskan pengertian perilaku komunikasi, teori graffiti, program televisi, vandalisme, sinematografi, tata cahaya, dan tata suara. Pengumpulan data untuk karya akhir ini menggunakan cara riset awal, wawancara, studi pustaka dan observasi. Hasil penelitian karya akhir ini akan menampilkan pelaku tindakan graffiti vandalisme serta motifnya. Program televisi dengan durasi 10 menit. Kesimpulan dari karya akhir ini yaitu memberikan gambaran kepada audiens tentang tindakan graffiti vandalisme yang terjadi di kereta bandara, dan mencari tahu siapa pelaku yang bertanggung jawab atas tindakan graffiti vandalisme itu sendiri.
Kata kunci: Graffiti Vandalisme, Program Televisi, Laporan Indepth ABSTRACT Recently there has been a graffiti vandalism action on the airport train owned by PT. Railink Indonesia which just happened last October 2018. This final work is a television program that aims to find out about the perpetrators behind the graffiti vandalism actions at the airport train and what the motive is.This television program also tells the public to remain vigilant against the perpetrators of graffiti vandalism. This work was based on the notion of communication behavior, the theory of graffiti, television programs, vandalism, cinematography, lighting, and sound systems.Data collection for this final paper uses the method of initial research, interviews, literature studies and observation.The results of this final paper will show the perpetrators of graffiti acts of vandalism and their motives. Television program with a duration of 10 minutes.The conclusion of this final work is to provide an audience with an overview of the vandalism graffiti that occurred on the airport train, and find out who the perpetrators were responsible for the vandalism graffiti itself.
Keywords: Graffiti Vandalism, Television Program, Laporan Indepth