Relationship Between Second Account Activities In Social Media Instagram And Self Disclosure On Generation Z In Bandung
ABSTRACTOne of the most popular social media applications is Instagram. Of the various features provided by Instagram, one of the popular features is Multiple Accounts. Users can access more than 1 account without having to log out first, it is used by various communities to create a Second Account. Second account is an Instagram account user who can express himself at will without worrying about his identity being known by many people. The purpose of this study is to find out how the relationship of Instagram second account activities on selfdisclosure in generation Z in the city of Bandung. This research uses the positivism paradigm because this research uses a quantitative approach where to achieve this truth the author must ask questions directly to the object being studied. The number of respondents in the city of Bandung was 400 generation Z people aged between 17 and 25 years. The analysis methods used are descriptive analysis and simple linear regression. The results of this study show that the descriptive analysis of the activities of the second Instagram account is included in the excellent category with a percentage of 84.15% and the descriptive analysis of self-disclosure is included in the excellent category with a percentage of 87.09%. In the t-test, there is a significant and positive relationship between the activities of the second account on Instagram on the self-disclosure of generation Z in the city of Bandung
Keywords : Instagram, Second Account, Self Disclosure
Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi