Figma Implementation in the Development of a Startup Website Prototype Nominus
In creating a website, designers are required to create a website that suits human needs, habits, and capabilities. To
fulfill these requirements, designers need tools that can be used, one of which is Figma because this software has
several advantages. In developing the NoMinus online shop. Writer uses the Empathy Map to provide comprehensive
information about user satisfaction and disappointment when interacting with existing online buying and selling
websites. The results of testing through quisionnaries showed that the user interface and user experience of the existing
online shop website received a variety of responses from users. After getting that result, writer created a website
prototype based on the existing test results. The prototype that the writer has created is an online shop website that is
expected to meet customer needs and make the NoMinus online shop website be a user-friendly website.
Keywords-NoMinus, website, empathy map, Figma, prototype
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