Framing Analysis of News Coverage of the Constitutional Court Decision
Study on the News Age Requirements for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates in the Constitutional Court in 2023
The Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates was
ratified which resulted in a new decision to remain at a minimum age of 40 years but with the addition of the phrase
"or has/is currently holding a position elected through general elections, including regional head elections". This
caused many reactions and opinions from the public, including the media, in reporting the decision. This research
aims to determine how the media frames news about the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for
presidential and vice presidential candidates on the media and This research uses a constructivist
paradigm and qualitative research methods with analytical methods framing Robert N. Entman model. The results of
this research show that frames the news by highlighting critical news by considering the decision as a
political, legal and nepotism problem. Meanwhile, framed the news by highlighting the news of the
Constitutional Court's decision which considered the decision to be a problem of the lack of opportunities given to
young people in leadership in Indonesia to become leaders.
Keywords-constitutional court decision, Robert N. Entman framing analysis, media and
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