The Influence Of Tourism Development In Mandeh Village On The Income Of Surrounding Msmes With Tourism Potential As An Intervening Variable


  • Anatha Fatimah Al Zahra Telkom University
  • Sherly Artadita Telkom University


The economics and revenue of the community can be enhanced by tourism, particularly for micro, small, and mediumsized businesses (MSMEs) located near popular tourist destinations. Called the 'Bali' of West Sumatra, Mandeh
Village tourist is currently a popular tourist among the local people. Mandeh Village is a recently established tourist
spot. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the growth of tourism in Mandeh Village affects the revenue of
nearby MSMEs, with a focus on the potential for tourism. This study employed a quantitative approach using a
descriptive analytic methodology. A total of 100 MSMEs in the Mandeh tourism area were the population used in the
study. The study's findings demonstrate that Mandeh Village's tourism development has a positive and significant
impact on MSME income, as does tourism potential. Additionally, Mandeh Village's tourism development has a
positive and significant impact on local MSME income, which is mediated by tourism potential..
Keywords-tourism development, MSME income, tourism potential


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis