Pengaruh Harga, Promosi, Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Sepatu Nike Di Bandung
Industri peralatan olahraga merupakan industri yang dapat berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Saat ini industri produk olahraga sangat kompetitif dalam menetukan harga, bentuk, warna, dan kualitas pada produknya. Merek pakaian, sepatu dan peralatan olahraga yang beredar di pasar industri olahraga Indonesia. Merek tersebut banyak diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Setiap merek menetapkan harga yang cukup bersaing sesuai jenis dan segmen pasarnya. Penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Harga, Promosi, dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian produk sepatu Nike. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara online kepada 400 responden pengguna produk sepatu Nike di kota Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa Promosi dan Kualitas Produk sangat berpengaruh karena berdasarkan skor tertinggi yaitu hasil skor Promosi sebesar 79,2% dan Kualitas Produk sebesar 80,4%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel Harga, Promosi dan Kualitas Produk sangat berpengaruh terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Terutama skor yang tertinggi berada pada Kualitas Produk maka konsumen lebih banyak melakukan Keputusan Pembelian dikarenakan Kualitas Produk sepatu Nike, jika Kualitas Produk Nike menurun maka akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap Keputusan Pembelian yang dilakukan oleh konsumen dan penjual produk sepatu Nike pun akan sangat menurun.
Kata kunci : Nike; Harga; Promosi; Kualitas Produk; Keputusan Pembelian.
Sports equipment industry is an industry that can develop rapidly in Indonesia. Current sports products industry is very competitive in price, determine the shape, color, and quality in its products. Brand clothing, shoes and sports equipment that circulated in the market of sports industry of Indonesia. The brand is much sought after by the people of Indonesia. Each brand set prices that are quite competitive match types and market segments. Through research it will know how the pricing, promotion, and product quality of product purchase Nike shoes. Method of data collection was done through the dissemination of a questionnaire online to 400 respondents Nike shoes product users in Bandung. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis suggests that promotion and quality of the product was very influential because based on the highest score namely results Promotion of 79.2% score and quality Products of 80.4%. Based on the results of the research results obtained then that variable pricing, promotions and product quality greatly influence on purchasing decisions. The highest score is mainly on the quality of the product so consumers doing more purchasing decisions due to product quality Nike
ISSN : 2355-9357 e-Proceeding of Management : Vol.7, No.1 April 2020 | Page 359
shoes, Nike Product if quality declines, it will greatly influence on the buying decision done by the consumer and seller of Nike shoes product would be greatly decreased.
Keywords: Nike; Price; Promotion; Quality Product; Purchase Intention.