Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Persib Bandung Dalam Membangun Brand Image Sebagai Klub Sepak Bola Profesional


  • Argi Rissan Adam Telkom University
  • Dini Salmiyah Fitrah Ali Telkom University


ABSTACT This research titled "Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy of Persib Bandung in Build a Brand Image as a Professional Football Club". This study aims to determine how informants interpret the Marketing Communication Strategy of the Persib Bandung football club. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, namely a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people involved in presenting how the marketing strategy of the Persib Bandung football club in building a brand image as a professional football club. For data collection, researchers conducted in-depth interviews with informants who play an important role and understand the marketing strategy of the Persib Bandung football club in building a brand image as a professional football club. While the research method chosen is descriptive qualitative method. In building the brand image of the Persib Bandung football club using an integrated marketing communication strategy including Interactive, Direct Marketing, Public Relations, Personal Selling and Advertising. There are also several aspects that influence the Persib Bandung football club to become a professional football club including, Sports Aspects, Infrastructure Aspects, Personal and Administrative Aspects, Legal Aspects and Financial Aspects which can affect how Persib Bandung football club becomes a football club that professional. Persib Bandung football club pays attention to these aspects in order to maintain its image as a professional football club. Keywords: Intergrated Marketing Communication Strategy, Brand Image, Professional Football Club, Persib Bandung.






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi