Determinan Faktor Pembentuk Preferensi Konsumen Pada Pengguna Disney+ Hotstar Di Indonesia (studi Pada Pengguna Disney+ Hotstar Di Indonesia)


  • Muhammad Rama Fernanda Telkom University
  • Imanuddin Hasbi Telkom University


The number of users of streaming film/series platforms is growing rapidly, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, where this platform acts as entertainment when bored while working or studying from home. Disney+ Hotstar is one of the movie/series streaming platforms with the highest number of paid users in Indonesia (up to 2.5 million users). In order to be able to survive in competition with other platforms, a company needs to know how the preferences of consumers in Indonesia are. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze what factors influence consumer preferences in subscribing to Disney+ Hotstar. The sample in this study are users (both who have or are currently subscribing to) Disney+ Hotstar as many as 400 (four hundred) respondents. The statistical method used in this research is factor analysis. The data quality test used in this study is the Validity Test and Reliability Test. Meanwhile, the hypothesis testing in this study used Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's Test and Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA). The results of this study conclude that based on the results of Anti-image Matrices, all variables can be used for factor analysis. Then from the rotated component matrix analysis, it shows that 7 variables are classified as the first factor, namely factors that are felt to affect inner, knowledge, and comfort, including information motives, entertainment motives, interactivity, perceived ease of use, perceived price, perceived content quality, and perceived of enjoyment. While the rest are classified as the second factor, namely the factors that are displayed or presented on the platform, including perceived system quality and content richness. Keywords: Factor Analysis, Disney+ Hotstar, Consumer Preferences






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis