Effect Of Work Stress During Pandemic Covid-19 On Employee Performance At Fuel Terminal Tasikmalaya


  • Tiara Maulidani Pratiwi Telkom University
  • Dian Indiyati Telkom University


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a terrible influence on Indonesia especially on human resource that termination of
employment (LAYSOFF). PT PERTAMINA is an oil and gas mining company, one of the companies trying not to
lay off employees during the COVID-19 pandemic for employees because the role of human resources is significant
in the company. This study aimed to find out how the effect of work stress during the COVID-19 pandemic on the
performance of the Fuel Terminal Tasikmalaya employees. The method used in this study is a quantitative method
assisted by distributing questionnaires to 47 employees of the Fuel Terminal Tasikmalaya. The data analysis technique
used is a simple regression analysis technique with SPSS 25 Software. Result of the hypothesis is H0 accepted, H0
which shows Work Stress has no significant effect on Employee Performance. This research suggest the companies
should conduct regular training to maximize the performance of employees who are still not in accordance with the
criteria of the company so as to minimize the occurrence of termination of employment (LAYOFFS) and for the future
research expected that the next researcher will conduct research with other independent variables that were not studied
in this study.
Keyword: work stress, COVID-19, employee performance, SPSS 25 Software.


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Program Studi S1 International ICT Business