The Analysis Of Coffee Shop’s Business Strategy Formulation (A Case Study at Coffee & Chill, Bandar Lampung)


  • Ahmad Fadli Saputra Telkom University
  • Siska Noviaristanti Telkom University


This study aims to analyze the company's internal and external factors, and formulate an alternative company
strategy according to the company's condition using the QSPM Matrix. This study uses a qualitative descriptive
method with interview, documentation and observation data collection techniques, and strategy formulation using
IFE, EFE, IE Matrix, CPM and QSPM Matrix. The results of this study resulted in an IFE matrix score of 3.01
and an EFE matrix score of 3.43, which resulted in the IE Coffee & Chill matrix being in cell I and the right
strategy for Coffee and Chill based on the IE matrix was the grow and build strategy. In this study, Coffee & Chill
is ranked 2 with a total weighted score of 3, while for Café Kiyo and Kopi 20 it has a total weighted score of 3.14
and 2.91. Based on the formulation of alternative business development strategies, it can be seen that the priority
strategies to be implemented by Coffee and Chill in competing with its competitors are (1) Moving the new
business location to a strategic city center with a TAS value of 2,807. It can be concluded that from a number of
known strategies, Coffee and Chill in moving its business location is accompanied by maintaining the advantages
and business opportunities that previously existed in the old location, namely continuing to create coworking
space facilities, maintaining a relaxed and comfortable cafe atmosphere, moving business locations to a strategic
city center and continue to prioritize customer-oriented services.
Keywords-IFE, EFE, CPM, QSPM, coffee.


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Program Studi S1 International ICT Business